Northern Ireland


How the Windsor Agreement changes the Northern Ireland Protocol

After two years of tense negotiations, the UK and EU have agreed an amendment to the Northern Ireland Protocol – pending official approval. Find out more about the Windsor Agreement in this article.

NI Protocol
Northern Ireland

Alternative Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) rules for origin expands

​​​​​​​Alternative rules for origin for Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) trade are in effect pending the creation of a single treaty. Find out more about these transitional regulations in this article.

Staff walking at a Customs Support site.
Certificate of Origin
Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Bill

Northern Ireland has been in limbo between the UK and the EU ever since Brexit, with the small country remaining inside both customs territories. The Northern Ireland Protocol, which governs the region’s customs clearance requirements, was created to keep trade moving and avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

However, the Protocol has been subject to criticism due to the complications that it imposes on businesses, which have prevented trade and caused political unrest.

Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland
United Kingdom